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Fish Bowl - Round Table DiscussionMay 31, 2000 On Wednesday afternoon, the CASLIN programme continued with a round-table discussion. It took the favourite form of an "fish-bowl" where presenters Martin Svoboda and Zuzana Ĝepiová steered the discussion of 11 representatives of the Ministry of Schools and Education on the following six topics:
Each participant in the "fish-bowl" was given a period of time to explain his/her views on the given topics. Then came a round-table discussion followed by comments from foreign lecturers. Each topic was rounded off by a discussion of the people in the auditorium. ad 1) Necessary level of school education Participants discussed the level of education and a type of school, i.e. areas of the "theory" (university education for librarians and other types) and the "trade" (secondary schools and college* education). Initial statements of the selected representatives in the "fish-bowl" supported the idea that all three types of schools are useful, and emphasized the need for university education, either in the form of courses leading to the "magistr" (master's) degree in librarianship for holders of any bachelor's degree, or in the form of a specialized university courses in librarianship. Participants also preferred college education to secondary education. The round-table discussion then turned to the question of differences in requirements in different libraries, problems with ranking librarians in services. The survey made in Czech libraries by the National Library in Prague mapping the level of education, age and salaries of librarians proved to be an important source of information. The summary showed the need for education on different levels to suit different types of libraries and specific needs. Fundamental characteristics are openness, ability to learn and quick adaptation to new needs. Lecturers from abroad did not share the same experience. University graduates and holders of the bachelor's or, in more senior positions, of the PhD degrees predominate. They too, however, spoke of "basic skills" that are necessary for high school graduates and those in assistant positions. The general discussion confirmed the interest in the highest possible education of employees, from librarianship to different types of school. The most important is the "knowledge flexibility". The need for a further development of the discipline, research work at the highest level, the development of the theory and methods was stressed. ad 2) Continuing education The topic of continuing education, i.e. of extra curriculum education, included issues, e.g. of responsibility, incentives, focus of development - and of financing. In their opinions, speakers mentioned basic responsibility of individuals, but also the need for further incentives from the state and the employer, possibilities of a professional association, supporting activities. The necessary development of skills, knowledge, understanding links and relationships, ability to work in a team. The most complicated is the issue of finances, and the combination of the employer's and the employee's contributions was the preferred alternative. The most important was to enhance motivation. In the summary, the fundamental role of responsibility of individual employees was emphasized; the employer has also a role to play, the management of the organization and the state should create favourable conditions and make use of the same methods for support as those used in, e.g., in the USA and the UK possible. All groups make financial contributions, the state through indirect mechanisms (grants, tax exemptions, etc.). The comments from foreign lecturers confirmed the above views, with the proviso that it is necessary to distinguish between school education and continuing education, and to emphasize responsibility. Highly qualified specialists should train their colleagues, etc. A common conclusion - conditions must be set by the state, financing is mainly the responsibility of employers, partly of the educational institution and, to the least extent, of the employee. ad 3) Organization of continuing education The issue of continuing education organization includes professional courses, training and retraining courses, the question of combining training activities on different levels (according to regions, ministries, etc.). The participants supported the need of coordinating activities and a degree of their integration, rather than the idea of a single centre for continuing education. It is necessary to take into account specific features of residential courses and distance learning. The important thing is the summing up of information on continuing education, providing a survey, the possibility of easily finding one's way through the courses provided, the use of programmes and grants. The support for a single centre was based on the idea of a catalogue of jobs, the need for coordination, preparation of career advancement regulations and the centre's role in methodology. The possibility of creating associations according to types of continuing education, in a penetrating-satellite fashion, including the addition of further specialization courses. Participants agreed in the support for a centre that would provide information on the courses organized, guarantee a harmonized and well-defined content of courses, and a centralized methodology with a possibility of local adjustments to specific conditions. Pros and cons of residential and distance type of courses from the geographical point of view. The centre should be responsible for maintaining the files of graduates and tutors, for preparation of a career advancement regulations, etc. Foreign experience seem to confirm the need for a centre that would maintain a list of courses offered, provide different types of information and be supported by all libraries and professional associations. Conclusion - association according to geographical aspects, and types of ministries, courses and their content. The aim is to provide information and give people the possibility to choose; modular structure of courses. ad 4) Tutors for continuing education In this topic, the questions about the use of professional librarians and professional teachers in presenting library topics in courses were raised. The involvement of specialists (lawyers, psychologists, managers, information science professionals) with the ability to apply the subject matter to the needs of the discipline. Evaluation of the quality of courses and tutors by participants is important. The need for the certification of tutors, quality of courses. Mobility - financial requirements, but problems also in possibilities - programmes, obligations, advantages in transferring knowledge. Also mentioned was the need to make leading institutions agree to allow their employees to act as tutors. The summary of the discussion showed the advantage of having professional librarians and professional teachers as tutors in equal proportions. The latter can help preparing librarians for tutorial work. The need to involve specialists in continuing education. Evaluation necessary - feedback from participants. Foreign experience showed emphasis on the quality of tutors, which determines results. Performed by students, evaluation is intended both for the tutor and the faculty dean. Multi-media approach preferred - lectures, seminars, workshops - in groups.
Conclusion: ad 5) Content of continuing education This topic was subdivided into 4 areas:
The need for a survey to investigate visions and trends mentioned in the discussion on the first question. The form of training sessions depends on the aim the training is to serve. Testing the effects, e.g. entry exams and school-leaving exams, different opinions on testing, a final thesis with an emphasis on real life issues seems more appropriate, combined with a group evaluation of the graduates. Concluding discussions, presentations of opinions and attitudes have proven to be suitable. Tutor's evaluation also includes an evaluation of teaching materials, demonstrates an overall quality of the centre. Material recommended for study at home. Big interest in on-line types of education, a call to introduce such courses. In their comments, foreign lecturers recommended that the problems be simplified; a unification of needs, gradual steps - an emphasis on principal needs, the purpose of the course and its aim - plan of work and applicability in one's institution. To start at the basics and continue creatively as the work progresses. The question of organizing courses over weekends - poses problems both to tutors and participants. Emphasis on the need to change the way of thinking - i.e. to understand that it is essential to continue with one's training. ad 6) Accreditation - certification The last of the topics dealt with accreditation of courses, certification for courses and tutors, and certification for the graduates. Accreditation of courses/programmes is requested both by employers and graduates. It is important for a job classification, in the future for the career advancement regulations. Accreditations are granted by the MMT (Ministry of Education, Youth and Physical Education), interest in an extension on a professional basis, strengthening the SKIP's (Association of Library and Information Professionals of Czech Republic) authority, setting up the accreditation committee or council, commission for education, or other institutions. The content and aims are of importance. Continuing education needs further evaluation. A diploma/certificate of attendance is necessary, it represents social capital and it may also bring financial benefits. Both institutions and participants interested in certificates as a guarantee of quality. Certificates for course graduates requested both by participants and institutions, it is necessary for getting promotion and higher salary. Foreign lecturers stressed the knowledge and skills gained, rather than certificates of attendance. On the other hand, it is desirable to demonstrate the attainment of the diploma, guarantee that the training is taken into account, structure of remunerations. Attendance in courses shapes one's personality. Other comments and suggestions included the setting of a plan for courses, attendance in courses to be reflected in higher salary. Nowadays the practice is higher performance bonus only. Employers have very limited elbow-room for more incentives. A register of graduates mentioned as a possibility. * College in the sense of tertiary education of non-unive rsity type. Back to the text | ![]() |
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